Vasudev B Apps

Wi-Fi QR Share 2.1
Vasudev B
Wi-Fi QR Share uses QR codes to magicallyshare your Wi-Fi with anyone without actually telling them yourpassword. Nice, isn't it?
Scientia │ Science & Tech News 6.0.1
Vasudev B
Read about the latest cutting-edge developments in science andtechnology.
LineageOS Changelog
Vasudev B
LineageOS Changelog helps youview changes for your device and download nightlies with the tap ofa button. It was designed with the Material Design principles andguidelines in mind to make it a pleasure to use.Let's go over some of the features that make LineageOSChangelog stand out, shall we?Changelog Information : Get detailed information fora specific change such as the contributors and the files that weremodified.Notifications : Get notifications whenever a changeis merged or a new build is out. You can also select the devicesthat you'd like to be notified about. Isn't that amazing?Themes : Light, Dark and Black themes to suit yourmood.Device/Kernel Changes : Use colors to differentiatebetween device/kernel specific changes for a deviceLocalized : Thanks to all you guys, LineageOSChangelog is translated into over 15 languages.No-Ads : There will never ever be ads.NOTE :This app only shows the changes for devices that LineageOSofficially supports. It does not install LineageOS on yourdevice.This is an unofficial app. So please don't ask fordevices to be added to LineageOS.If you have any further questions, feel free to contact me.